World's best Turmeric Powder

Ordinary Turmeric Vs Lakadong turmeric

Know Your Turmeric: Ordinary VS Lakadong Variant

One of the most common ingredients without which an Indian kitchen is never complete is turmeric. A rhizome native to Inida, the roots of the plant has been used since time immemorial to give curries a rich golden colour. However curries are not the only place where turmeric is used. Right from beauty products to traditional
medicines, the varied uses of turmeric underlines the benefits that it can provide.

But ordinary turmeric does not seem to be as affective in its benefits. Find out the reasons why.

What Ordinary Turmeric Lacks?

The several benefits that turmeric offers come from its chemical contents such polysaccharides, curcumol, curdione and curcuminoids. Most potent among these elements is indeed curcum. In fact, research shows that curcumin is effective for over five hundred different types of diseases. This is exactly what your ordinary turmeric lacks. Ordinary turmeric powder has an extremely low content of curcumin in it. Added to that, ordinary turmeric is often grown and processed using chemicals and artificial colours. This further reduces the benefits that the turmeric is supposed to give you.

So where can you find quality turmeric that can actually offer you the benefits that you are seeking? The answer is Lakadong.

Lakadong Turmeric- The Best Variant

Named after the village where it is found, the Lakadong turmeric is grown using traditional farming techniques. Further this variant of turmeric has up to eight percent more curcumin than your ordinary turmeric variants. No wonder the Lakadong turmeric is considered the gold among spices. Get quality Lakadong turmeric and turmeric products only at GreeNe Origins. Go through our product
range today to know more.